Dont starve together manure
Dont starve together manure


They are dead after being burned, and since the fire killed them, it does not count (I believe). The baby trees drop 1 log and no pine cones, but still add to your Tree God spawn limit so be careful.Ĭhopping burned trees for charcoal do not count into the total trees before the Ent comes for you.


Plus a full grown tree will give you 2 pine cones, turning each tree you cut down into 2 trees. Make sure you dont cut down too many trees without planting pine cones unless you want the Ent (tree god) to come after you. You can use space bar after equipping the shovel to automatically pick everything up AND dig the stumps up. Devote a day or two to cutting down trees, and when you are done cutting, equip a shovel and dig up the stumps for an extra log each while you collect your logs and pine cones.

dont starve together manure

They WILL however eat any food left on the ground for too long (a few seconds) so make sure you collect food quickly when around pigs. Besides, they will stop chopping when you start collecting and they will NOT help you pick up your items. You can pick it all up when the pigs no longer like you, and as long as the forrest doesnt burn down the items will remain. This is so you dont waste any befriended time. When using pigs to help you de-forrest your game, make sure you are not picking items up. or you can use the manure as fuel for your Fire Pit. If you feed them items they dont like, such as flower petals, they will throw up manure which you can use for farms, berry bushes, grass, etc. While they are friendly they will help you chop trees or fight baddies. Feeding pigs meat (including monster meat, however they can turn into Werepigs with monster meat which are like werewolf’s but the pig variety) will befriend them for a period of time (depends on what you gave them). Most people like to build base near a Pig village for protection and a work-force.

dont starve together manure

Note: It may be a good idea later to set up a birdcage and icebox full of meat near the King to farm gold. It will drop an egg for you, which you can then feed to Pig King to get gold. If you have meat you cant give him, feed it to a bird you imprisoned. I want to start with this as it may be one of the most important bits of info in this section: If you find the Pig King, you can give him some items and most Meats to get gold nuggets.


This will be about the Pig King/Pigmen/Beefalo and how to use them to your advantage. Assuming the waterheaded pigs don't snarf all your bait, that is.Hey guys! Im back with another DST update. You'll have manure out the wazoo, and plenty to eat besides. Let the beefalo and other enemies kill the pigs, while the pigs kill them. IF I'M YOUR FRIEND, GOOD FRIEND, AND YOU LOVE FRIEND AND FOLLOW ME EVERYWHERE AND CHOP DOWN TREES AND FIGHT FOR ME, CAN YOU DO ME A FAVOR AND LEAVE THE FREAKING TRAPS ALONE? TRUST ME ON THIS. The flipside is that keeping the stupid happy pigs stupid and happy (and myself fed) can be a wee bit difficul at times.

dont starve together manure dont starve together manure

I get more manure than I can stand by keeping a couple of friendly pigs nearby. Useful for farming, but it tastes terrible and you can't eat it. Instead of tasty rabbits, I get steaming piles of poo. Usually my idiot happy pig followers decide they're hungry just before dark when I'm a long way from any suitable bait, so they cleverly eat the berries + carrots that are baiting my traps (I keep a bunch of traps active around headquarters). (You'll need your pigs to see you swipe at him, but they usually stick close.) The pigs want to help their friend! You get beefalo meat, wool, perhaps a horn, and depending on how the fight goes there'll probably be some helpings of pig too. (Also spiders, dogs, and anything else handy.) Build up a piggy entourage, go scouting for beefalo, then take a poke at one when no others are onscreen. Feed the pigs morsels (or meat, even monster meat, no need to cook anything) and they'll be happy to fight beefalo for you.

Dont starve together manure