He went to Damien Darhk, who was attending the summit and speaking for President Reagan, in hopes that he could help. Due to a time aberration, Martin had gone to the White House instead and chose to skip Clarissa's birthday in favor of trying to get the President to acknowledge his research. Originally, he had taken Clarissa to a restaurant for her birthday. In 1987, Martin had gone to the White House for the peace summit between the United States and the Soviet Union to serve as an advisor. However, Rip Hunter was able to "encourage" Martin to attend the mixer, thus preserving the timeline as he met and fell in love with Clarissa. Future Martin returned the tracker to him and tried to bid him a good future, knowing that it wouldn't be the same. His older self-reprimanded him for being there as he had unknowingly prevented himself from meeting his future wife, Clarissa, thus changing his future. Martin found the Waverider and was shocked at the technology of the ship. However, doing this caused him to miss a faculty mixer arranged by his future wife's uncle, who was a professor at Ivy University. When Martin came to, he went to track down his tracker and get it back. He was then knocked out by Sara and left unconscious. When he came back, he found that they were stealing his ionic tracker and wanted to know who they all really were. He even flirted with Sara, much to the annoyance of his older self, before being called away. Martin brought the trio to his lab and he shared some marijuana with them. He invited the three of them to come with him and have some fun. The man was, in fact, Martin's older self from the future who had come to find his tracker. In October 1975, Martin was mingling at his university campus when he came upon a strange older man and his two friends, Sara Lance and Jefferson Jackson. Their relationship could be seen as more than a mere acquaintance, for Martin was the only person with whom Quentin shared the truth about his brother's death being a suicide. Martin attended the University of Chicago, where he was classmates with Quentin Quale, as they were both part of class of '74 and protested the Vietnam War together. Martin eventually gave up on that dream after realizing that NASA has rather strict guidelines regarding nearsightedness. He even built a rocket out of cardboard boxes. As a 10-year-old, inspired by his first issue of the " Rick Starr: Space Ranger." comics, Martin dreamed of traveling through space, surviving only by his wits and laser guns. Martin was raised in the Jewish faith and his father made him become a rabbi before he'd allow Martin to enroll at MIT. After the Pilgrim's defeat, Rip retrieved baby Martin from the Refuge and returned him to his parents, restoring his existence in the timeline. He was brought to The Refuge under the care of Mary Xavier. Shortly after being born, his father gave him to Rip Hunter and Mick Rory who were posing as doctors in order to kidnap newborn Martin to protect him from the Pilgrim, a villain who was hunting down past versions of the Legends through time to easily eliminate their present selves. Martin Stein was born on March 16, 1950, on a roadside in Ivy Town after his mother went into labor. Legion of Doom's altered reality.1.1.4 The day of the particle accelerator explosion at S.T.A.R.

In late 2017, during the Nazi invasion from Earth-X, Martin was shot multiple times by the Sturmbannführer and in his dying moments, he severed his connection with Jax to save him from joining him in his fate. During several missions, he used the aliases " Elon Musk" and " Max Lorenz". In early 2016, Martin Stein was recruited by the rogue time-traveler Rip Hunter to form the Legends, a team of heroic time-travelers. Martin was also a good friend of Barry Allen, Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon, Ray Palmer, Mick Rory, and Sara Lance. Labs particle accelerator exploded he became one half of the transmuted and conjoined meta-human superhero Firestorm alongside Ronnie Raymond and later Jefferson Jackson. He co-wrote a paper on it with Jason Rusch. Professor Martin "Marty" Stein (Ma - Novem) was a Jewish physicist who was known for leading the F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M.
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I hope your life is long and full of love, just as mine has been." -Martin's last words to Jefferson Jackson

Thank you, Jefferson, for the adventure of a lifetime. Victor Garber Robbie Amell (in Ronnie Raymond's body) Franz Drameh (in Jefferson Jackson's body) Graeme McComb (young) Images " Please, tell Clarissa and Lily that I love them.